NAME: Sarek. On Earth I'm called Sarek of Vulcan. SEX: Miss Greyson, this question is... Oh, now I understand... male, of course. HOME: Currently it is the Vulcan Embassy in San Francisco. But I'm owning a house in Shi'kahr too. HEIGHT: 198.75 centimetres. EYES: dark brown. HAIR: black. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE TV SHOW? The evening messages. WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? Mouse padd? I don't own any such archaic thing. FAVOURITE MAGAZINE: there are various numbers of magazines onto my table. I have to remain informed. FAVOURITE SMELL: After analysing the various smells here on Earth, the one of green apples is the most pleasant one for me. And no Miss Greyson, it is not only because the apples are for the teacher. WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD: Is it really private Miss Greyson? My divorce at Gol. BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD: When there aren't any errors in my homework. You are wondering, Miss Greyson, but the syntax of your language is indeed still very confusing for me. THINGS TO DO ON THE WEEKENDS: Vulcans don't make any weekends. FAVOURITE SOUNDTRACK: What is a soundtrack? Oh... an odd sounding word this soundtrack... I enjoy symphonies of T'Ghineem, one of our finest musicians. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU THOUGHT OF WHEN YOU WOKE UP THIS MORNING? This I will better keep for myself. DO YOU GET MOTION SICKNESS? Vulcan's don't suffer any motion sickness. ROLLER COASTERS DEADLY OR EXCITING? What is a roller coaster? ...?... You mean, this should be a sort of relaxation? I will never understand the humans. PEN OR PENCIL: I prefer dictating to my attaché. HOW MANY RINGS BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE PHONE? I don't posses any phone. But I have a communication console here in my office. FAVOURITE FOODS: Any sort of Vulcan vegetables. I'm enjoying earth apples too, when there are still some after the visit of my English teacher. DO YOU GET ALONG WITH YOUR PARENTS? Yes. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN CONVICTED OF A CRIME? No. CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA? Vanilla is a pleasant smell, indeed... ? This should be meant the ice cream? No, I don't enjoy sweet food. CROUTONS OR BACON BITS? These words are new for me. Bacon... what? I'm a vegetarian, miss Greyson. DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE? I have a chauffeur for this kind of activity, so I can study the latest information, while being underway. DO YOU SLEEP WITH STUFFED ANIMALS? Stuffed animals? What a barbaric custom! IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY KIND OF PET, WHAT WOULD IT BE? I have never thought about it yet. I'm too often underway. IF YOU COULD BE ANY TYPE OF ANIMAL WHAT WOULD YOU BE? I'm quiet satisfied of being a Vulcan. THUNDERSTORMS, COOL OR SCARY? Water, falling down from the sky is indeed very fascinating. IF YOU COULD MEET ANYONE DEAD OR ALIVE, WHO WOULD IT BE? Surak. FAVOURITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK: I don't drink any alcohol. WHAT IS YOUR ZODIAC SIGN? Vulcan's don't have any zodiac sign. EAT THE STEMS OF BROCCOLI? This king of earth vegetable I haven't eat yet. Do you know any appropriate vegetarian restaurant Miss Greyson? GUYS-IF A GIRL ASKED FOR THE SHIRT OFF YOUR BACK, WOULD YOU GIVE IT TO HER? I don't wear any shirt... My robe? It depends on the situation. IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY JOB YOU WANTED, WHAT WOULD IT BE? I'm satisfied with my job, Miss Greyson. IF YOU COULD DYE YOUR HAIR ANY COLOUR, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Why should I do that? IF YOU COULD HAVE A TATTOO, WHAT AND WHERE WOULD IT BE? What is a tatoo? Ah... I understand... yes, there is still the clan sign of my former wife onto my shoulder. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN LOVE? May I leave out this question? DESCRIBE YOUR DREAM WEDDING: ... After my divorce I haven't been thinking about a new marriage yet. WHAT IS ON YOUR WALLS IN YOUR ROOM? The wallpaper. IS THE GLASS HALF EMPTY OR HALF FULL? This is a very confusing question, Miss Greyson. I never have been fond of this kind of philosophy. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE SNAPPLE? What is a snapple? ARE YOU A RIGHTY, LEFTY OR AMBIDEXTROUS? Vulcans are ambidextrous. DO YOU TYPE WITH YOUR FINGERS ON THE RIGHT KEYS? This is the task of my attaché IF YOU COULD BE ONE GARDENING TOOL, WHAT WOULD YOU BE? Why should I be thinking about such a thing? How? To describe my character? Miss Greyson, this irrational question is really confusing me. WHAT'S UNDER YOUR BED? A Persian carpet. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE NUMBER? All numbers are the same. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CAR? Once on Vulcan I have possessed a small flyer. WHAT IS YOUR DREAM CAR? Dream car? Ah, now I know... Well, all the cars, which belong to the embassy are suitable. FAVOURITE SPORT TO WATCH: I still find these water movements... pardon, swimming very fascinating. SAY ONE NICE THING ABOUT THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU: Miss Greyson is a good English teacher, even, when she always prefers to sit onto the table in my office, while claiming all the apples for herself. OF ALL THE PEOPLE YOU SEND THIS TO, WHO IS LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND TO IT: my attaché. He would understand this ever less, than I.